Soma, the Greek word for body. We, at Uwila believe that the body is the biggest truth teller.

Check out our schedule for Monthly Workshops, or book in for a 1:1 session

What to Expect in a 1:1 Session

Each Session is set with an intention…whether you’re working through a specific trauma, working with self worth, or just exploring your nervous system and how it shows up for you, each session is personalized for your own experience and goals.
Within the space created, you will learn to resource and support yourself as we together explore your nervous system and move through sensations as they come up in your body.

The goal of somatic 1:1 sessions is to bring you back into connection with your body and the ability to create capacity in the nervous system and your experience so that you can utilize somatic tools on a regular every day basis.

Have more questions? Check out our instagram page or reach out directly.